

Operations Analyst • July 2023 — Present

HP NonStop (Tandem) IBM iSeries (AS400)

Currently working with the Midrange Team

  • Provided operations support to application / infra teams, resolving issues, oncall
  • Performed actions in application switches within Prod - DR of critical systems
  • monitor alerting 24*7, escalations, fix issues to prevent financial impact


SDE Intern • May 2022, — July 2022

HTML5 CSS Javascript SailsJs MongoDB EJS VueJs Unix Git

Worked on several backend and frontend tasks

  • implemented several API routes to perform CRUD operations on production MongoDB databases
  • created efficient MongoDB aggregation pipelines to reduce load on the server and reduce API calls
  • implemented several reactive components in Vue.js and EJS and handled complex states amongst them
  • wrote complex nested async.auto functions to access session data from database and handle callbacks
  • created a custom graphing / charting library using d3.js for in-house developer needs


The LNM Institute of Information Technology

Bachelor of Technology, Communication and Computer Engineering •
2019 — 2023

St. Paul's Church College, Agra

High School • 2018



• Nov 2022 - Present GitHub

TypeScript NestJs MongoDB ReactJs Python Material UI

a web app to share, vote and discuss your artwork

  • implemented REST API using Nest.js over express.js using (Model Controller Service) architecture
  • implemented Authorization and Authentication from scratch using JWT, passport.js and used properly timed refresh_tokens
  • wrote python script to automate setting image to display and removing from image queue
  • implemented rate limiting of creating posts, invite only mode for users to signup
  • currently implementing frontend using React.js and MaterialUI

• Aug 2022 GitHub

ReactJs ChakraUI MongoDB Serverless Auth0 Sendgrid

a todo list, i guess?

  • implemented a simple Todo List using ChakraUI and ReactJs
  • added Authentication using Auth0 SPA
  • wrote serverless functions in MongoDB Realm with API routing
  • integrated SendGrid API with Trigger functions to send mails to users for pending Todos

• May 2021 — June 2021 GitHub

ReactJs PostgreSQL ExpressJs TailwindCSS NodeJs Azure

a URL shortener / Pastebin service

  • created rest API using express.js to create shortened URLs and Pastebins
  • wrote CRUD operations using Sequelize ORM [PostgreSQL]
  • add metrics and tracking capability for click counts
  • created frontend web interface using ReactJs and TailwindCSS
  • added AES encryption to pastebin to secure content of Pastebins
  • periodic data deletion

• May 2021 — June 2021

C++ SFML VisualStudio

2D Raycasting simulation

  • implemented Graphics using SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library)
  • implemented ray collision logic for objects to interact with each other
  • created executable for Windows OS
  • implemented a system to convert 2D map data to 3D




Javascript C++ Python TypeScript Java

Frontend Technologies

good command in

ReactJs VueJs HTML CSS

Backend Frameworks

server frameworks

NodeJs Flask Spring Boot NestJs


SQL and NoSQL Databases

PostgreSQL MongoDB

Additional Links

  • Solved over 700 questions
  • multiple badges in different categories
  • used to make some indie games in Unity